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Comprehensive Eye Exams

It’s about more than just blurry vision.

Eye exams are vital to your overall health.

In addition to assessing your visual acuity, your eye care provider will test for  common eye diseases, assess how your eyes are functioning together, and more.

Serious health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure are often first detected during an eye exam. Did you know that Diabetes is the number one cause of blindness in the United States that can be prevented?

Don’t put it off — schedule your comprehensive eye exam at Radcliff Family EyeCare today.

What does a comprehensive eye exam include?

Your optometrist will determine what tests are needed based on your medical history.

However, most comprehensive eye exams include the following:

  • Visual acuity to test the sharpness of your vision, usually with an eye chart
  • Visual fields screening to check for blind spots in your vision
  • Refraction to determine your exact eyeglass prescription
  • Slit lamp to check for common eye diseases and conditions
  • Retinal photo screenings to test for diabetic retinopathy and other eye diseases or even cancer
  • Tonometry to test the pressures in the eye, this is a glaucoma screening

How often should I get a comprehensive eye exam?

Most eye care professionals recommend yearly eye exams.

The American Optometric Association (AOA) recommends children have their eyes examined at 6 months old, three years old, at the start of school, and every two years until age 18. Read more about the programs we offer for kids on our pediatric page!

For adults, the AOA recommends a comprehensive eye exam every year, unless an eye disease is present and might require more visits than one a year.

What about contact lens exams?

Just let us know you are wanting to try contacts or already wear contacts and we will make sure we do this during your exam. Most insurances help with contact lens fitting, you can call our office and our staff can look up your benefits for you.

Make healthy vision a priority in your life and in the lives of the ones you love. >Schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Radcliff Family EyeCare now.